July Gymkhana Results

July Gymkhana results(1)

Hi All
Here are the results of last Wednesday’s Gymkhana.  Well done to all the competitors and thank you to Andy and Jasmine Congreve and Dave and June Pollard for their help with marshalling.  Thankyou Bob and Carole Offer for taking some good photos which Im sure we will all see in the next edition of Valve bounce along with Simon’s report.
Edward Haylock 

April 4 2012, April Fools Rally Results

 Well done to Paul and David who have now broken their curse of starting at Runcton Holme by winning the Event.  Thankyou to all the Marshalls who came out in the wet, wind and cold last night.  Well done to Adrian Cunnington who won the Marshals draw. 

See you at the first of the grass Autotests.


 Edward Haylock 
Car No Crew Class Fails Minutes Class O/A
1 Peter Horsborough & Paul Haylock Exp 9 34 (OTL) 5th 9th
2 Bob Baker & Brian Cammack Exp 2 8 2nd 2nd
3 June Pollard & Ian Pollard Exp 2 17 3rd 3rd
4 Paul Smalley & David Smalley Exp 1 6 1st 1st
5 Alan Shrimpton & David Bell Exp 5 28 4th 4th
6 John Peterson & Ian Graham Semi 0 16 1st 5th
7 Andy Congreve & Jasmine Congreve Semi 1 23 2nd 6th
8 Adam Calvert & Tom Pett Nov 4 28 1st 7th
9 Dave Peters & Mike Peters Beg DNF DNF DNF DNF
10 Trevor Donovan & Amanda Brewster Beg 6 29 1st 8th


TC1 Colin Shinkins
TC2 Adrian Cunnington & Nigel Mann
TC3 Nick Way
TC4 Bob & Carole Offer
TC5 Dave Pollard
TC6 Dave Sooley
Course Closer Jamie Duckhouse & Sam Gent