Category Archives: Results

Chris More Memorial Rally Results

Results for the Chris More Memorial Rally can  be found below.

Chris More Memorial results

Tab one is the overall, Then I have a breakdown on the following pages for the two individual time cards. I have given the best grid reference I can for the code boards that were missed. Any questions then email me on

Thank you to all the Marshalls that showed a fantastic commitment to carry out duties at multiple locations in some rather terrible conditions.

Well done to Bob Baker and Brian Cammack on the overall win only dropping 1 minute all night.

Well done to Rob Kitchen and Jonathan Stimpson who came equal second but were classified to third place on the furthest cleanest rule but were still first Novice Crew.

On the night I counted it with positions and the lowest number won but I saw that previous events had been counted as 1st place 12 points so reverted back to this way of counting.

Special thank you to the following

Steve Tilburn of Hylton Gott for the start Venue

Toby Fleming of Eastgate Farms for the use of the white road.

Paul Brunton of SCCON for assistance in getting the white road.

Marc and Sharron Sheffield of Shefs for the fantastic catering at the finish

Mark Banham for being Chief Marshall

Tim Banham and Shaun Hannon for route checking.

Ed Prevett, Nick Way and Megan Way for Closing Car

Marc Sheffield and Shaun Hannon for running Course Car

Hockwold Hall for supplying us with a finish venue.

RAM 12 Car Report

Second round of the Club Night and the On Road Championships, the ‘Richard Archer Memorial Rally’, organised by Brian & Bob, starting from the Anvil Public House in Congham, on the menu sixty-ish miles of very slippery roads on 132.
Nice easy start with a simple herringbone out of the pub car park, circuit of Roydon to TC2 in Fowlers Plantation, always good to have a straight forward start although it was soon obvious that minutes would be precious as even with a large amount of fast yellow we were still a minute down. Grid line crossings to TC3 north of Flitcham and another minute gone on another straight forward section. Grid line avoids to TC4 west of Houghton, minor excitement on this section as Hugh managed a straight on at T as he ‘rolled up’ to the first junction while I was plotting, fortunately saved by the white, and then a missed the slot right to the east of Anmer, three minutes dropped at TC4 with the wrong slot accounting for one of them.
Coded junction instructions to TC5 in Harpley Dams, navigation sorted reasonably quickly but time for another classic driver own goal, turning left onto the A149 got the OK from Hugh that he knew where we were and knew exactly where the as map triangle back towards Harpley was, so left him to it while I tried to make sense of a TR in the middle of Harpley when I was expecting a TL, well we were on the outskirts of East Rudham when I realised all was not well, back on the correct route we were caught by Robert and Jonathan just before being submerged in a deep and icy puddle of pig sh*t, my preference is to let cars pass but decided not to as I had a feeling every second was going to be needed and we were almost in the control, two minutes dropped on this one, all down to the wrong slot. More grid lines to the pre-plotted TC6 at West Rudham, easy section having let Robert & Jonathan past opted to let them show us the way.
Coded grid of clock face junction instructions to TC7 east of East Rudham. Not one for the optically challenged navigators, failed to spot the sneaky ‘Bb’ in the third instruction resulting in a missed triangle and a ten minute bonus. In my defence I did see the Δ in the middle of the grid and while having a second hunt through the instructions missed the slot left in GS8229 and another minute gone! Grid square departs to TC8 south of Shereford and the end of time card 1. Another two minutes dropped here, but all down to the geriatric in the left hand seat. Seven sections gone and ten minutes of lateness gone, things were looking OK-ish.
Via three cross roads to TC9 west of West Raynham and the wheels began to wobble. Sat for ages at the first junction looking for a board on the double triangle, then looked for the trick, then opted to follow Paul & Matthew. No need for mensa navigation, all you need is a triangle with no board and I’m done for. So far we’d sort of been going generally in the correct direction, not any more, followed Paul & Matthew into West Raynham then decided to try a different route, why? Came across John & David doing some plotting for the next section so turned round and back to the original route and six minutes gone, just like that! Quite cleverly coded grid squares to TC10 east of Whissonsett and the wheels were now very loose. Navigation was fine, just a senior moment towards the end of the section and a serious wrong slot as we met Robert & Jonathan travelling in the correct direction, another six minutes and things were no longer looking OK-ish with only eight minutes of lateness left and another two envelopes and four sections to go.
Coded spot heights to TC11 to the west of Tittleshall and finally a clean section. One envelope left and the puff left my sails, grid references to TC13 to the east of Great Massingham via TC12, I hate grid references. Got them down reasonably rapidly, for me, with most of them plotted correctly but another six minutes gone, not helped by a bit of reversing to pick up the triangle in GS8620 that I had forgotten to call. Nightmare in Weasenham All Saints as a mis-plot had us in danger of disappearing up our own exhaust, we were very fortunate to make it to TC13 on our last minute. All that was left was a run back to the pub. Expectations were not high, although I felt we had brightened up the evening for the crews that had come across us travelling in opposite directions, I was fairly confident if there was an award for most miles covered then we would be in with a shout.
Pleasantly surprised when our names were last out of the hat and Hugh was very happy to receive the rather spectacular trophy presented by Dave. Thanks to Brian, Bob, all the marshals and everyone who made it an evening to remember.

Stag Night Rally 2018

Winning car – Ed & Paul Haylock


Stag Night Results Grid 2018

The start of the Club Night and the On Road Championships one again started with Paul and Mathew Smalley’s ‘Stag Night Rally,’ starting from the Stag Public House in West Acre.
As is the normal these days with the clubs navigational events, Paul and Mathew had a full entry and a full complement of marshals.
Edward and I started at car three. Ahead of us were nine handouts to solve and get on to maps 132 and 144. It always makes it interesting when trying to work more than one map!
The first two handouts looked fairly straight forward but right from the start several crews were struggling to get the correct route! The third handout was a circular herringbone showing coloured roads only. Usually this would be quite easy to sort out but with no crossroads for easy reference, this was probably one of the hardest herringbones I have had to crack! I managed to get the correct route on the map and a very twisty and torturous route took us to TC4.
The next four handouts were not too bad to sort out but the last one to the finish control was coloured junctions. This was split between the two maps and I struggled to solve it but got there in the end, just getting to the control on time.
Edward drove well, and for once I got the route on the maps reasonable quickly.
Many thanks to the Marshals who are essential and to Paul and Mathew for a very testing evening! It was also nice to see Bob out taking photo’s. Cheers Bob.

Paul Haylock

Docking Xmas Stocking Rally Results

Copy of ResultsDockingStocking2017v2

Hi All,

Hope you enjoyed my final running of the Docking 12 car. Adrian has very speedily produced the results spreadsheet attached. If you click on the red triangle in the code box it will give you the reference location of the code board.

Thanks to Adrian for producing the navigation just tight enough to get a result by 1 minute !

Thanks again to all the marshals who make the events happen and Steve from Hylton Gott for sponsoring the supper at the Railway Inn.

Peter Horsburgh

October 12 Car Results

1st Bob Baker / Brian Cammack 0F 7M (Ex)
2nd John Peterson / David Smalley 0F 10m (Ex)
3rd June Pollard / Ian Pollard 0F 19M (Ex)
4th Paul Smalley / Mathew Smalley 1F 26M (Ex)
5th Rob Kitchen / Jonathan Stimpson 3F 30M (Se)
6th Mark Sheffield / Shaun Hannon 8F 25M (Se)
7th Neil Kerry / Rob Palmer 2F 18M (N)
8th Mick Beauchamp / Len Fletcher 9F 30M (N)
9th Dave Pollard / Edward Prevett 12F 30M (N)
10th Mark Bamham / Tim Bamham 0F 11M (B)
Richard Felton / Danny Wheatley Retired
Dave Bell / Ian Doble Retired

Many thanks to all the above for entering and to the Runcton Holme Social Club for hosting the event and providing refreshments at the finish.

Thanks also to the most important people on the whole event, the marshals. Without you all helping out there would be no event at all.
Dave Sooley, Andy Congrieve, Nick Way, Richard Button, Peter Mears, Ed Bennett, Simon Leonard, Steve Tilburn, Jack Tilburn, Dave Bowman, Peter Horsburgh, Holly Sheffield, Billy Cornwall, Paul Pollard and Jody Wilson.

Edward and Paul Haylock organisers

August Gymkhana Results


1st      D Smalley/        M Smalley      482

2nd      P Haylock/       E Haylock       499

3rd      E Haylock/       P Haylock        505

4th      N Way/             M Way            525

5th     S Hannon/          M Sheffield     531

6th     I Pollard/            R Felton           547

7th     M Sheffield/       S Hannon        550

8th     M Smalley/         D Smalley       551

9th     M Beachamp/     P Horsburgh    555

10th   M Banham/        T Banham        556

11th   A White/             E White           565

12th   P Horsburgh/      M Beachamp   618

13th   M Way/              N Way             795


Thanks to Greg for use of field Dave and June