Category Archives: News

Latest news from the King’s Lynn & District Motor Club

RS Clubman Licence

From January 2020, Motorsport UK will be introducing a requirement for ALL COMPETITORS in Motorsport UK permitted events to hold a Motorsport UK competition licence this is in addition to your club membership. This will be at a minimum, a new RS Clubman licence. This applies to new competitors as well as to anyone previously competing solely with a club membership card. The good news is that this entry-level, RS Clubman licence, will now be free.

This initiative is being introduced by Motorsport UK to encourage participation at grass roots level as well as to ensure that all competitors are covered by comprehensive public liability and personal accident insurance. It replaces the Non-Race Clubman licence, (which in 2019 cost £29). All licence holders will have access to the Member Benefits Programme which provides substantial discounts on well-known brands, products, services, and can contribute to offsetting the cost of competing.

If you have not previously held a Competition licence or not renewed in 2019, it will also be a requirement to apply for a new RS Clubman licence in order to compete or be a passenger in Club events. This is free of charge and applicable to Autotests, Trials, Cross Country and Road Rallying including 12 Cars and Scatters.

Please note: an RS Clubman licence will not required if you plan to renew your current 2019 Competition licence.

You can apply for an RS Clubman licence from the Motorsport UK website from 18 November 2019.

The other major change is that the cost of event permits has been increased to cover the increased cost of insurance for events and provide additional income for our governing body. An across the board increase of £5.00 has been applied to permits, the Club will have no option but to add the sum to all event entry fees from January 2020.

Curry Night

Mathew Smalley is organising a curry night on Wednesday 16th October at Voujon in Kings Lynn

There are already enough people coming to mean the meal can go ahead, but the more the merrier! So if anyone wants to come then let him know by email

From looking at their menu their banquet meal is currently priced at £12.95 and we will be looking to meet around 7.30-8pm

April newsletter

Welcome to the April newsletter.

KLDMC Chairman’s Newsletter Apr18

This is my first report as Chairman of the club and I am really looking forward to the year ahead and the events that the club are organising or involved in. I would like to thank Mark Banham for his hard work as Chairman over the past few years and his involvement in all aspects of the club from stage rallying to the monthly 12 cars. He will definitely be a hard act to follow as he has left the club in a very strong position with a healthy membership and well supported events.

Ed Haylock
Chairman KLDMC