Category Archives: News

Latest news from the King’s Lynn & District Motor Club

Christmas Quiz

Kings Lynn & District Motor Club Christmas Quiz
Wednesday 6th December.
Runcton Holme Social Club. PE33 0AQ

Quiz starts at 8pm.

Teams of up to 4 – members and non-members.

£5 per team, including hot/cold food at half-time.

10 rounds plus pictures.
Usual quiz subjects, along with some motoring and motorsport.

Prizes to the winners.

Open to all, including other clubs & members.

Please book your team with Mark Banham. or 07884 435 537

Sculthorpe Targa Rally

Event POSTPONED due to circumstances beyond the club’s control.

On Sunday 26th November 2023 Anglia Motor Sport Club, in conjunction with King’s Lynn & District Motor Club will organise a clubmans Targa Rally at Sculthorpe Airfield, Norfolk.

We are pleased to welcome you back at Sculthorpe after a seven-year break. This Targa Rally will have number of one to two mile driving tests running in several parts of the airfield, set out in different layouts offering approx. 20 miles of tests on concrete, tarmac and grassy track, which may vary during the day.

We are grateful to Peterborough Complete Car Care for sponsoring the event. They will be contributing towards the marshals sustenance. Peterborough Complete Car Care is a family run Volkswagen Audi Group (VAG) Specialist in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. Who provide a true alternative to a main dealer, ensuring you receive the quality of work that you would expect from a main dealer at a fraction of the cost.


Ten teams from across the region took up the cudgels for a revival of the East Anglian Inter-Club Quiz hosted by West Suffolk MC at Horringer on 31 March.

The event formed part of Motorsport Month East put together under the auspices of the Association of Eastern Motor Clubs.

King’s Lynn put in a couple of teams: the ‘President’s Team’, KLDMC1, comprised Paul & Helen Haylock, Ed Bennett and Ed Haylock whilst the ‘Chairman’s Team’ KLDMC2 had Vice-Chairman Dave Ottoway, Duncan & Marian Russell and Adrian Cunnington doing battle on our behalf. By the way, our Chairman was on holiday!!

Tackling a variety of subjects ranging from motoring to general knowledge and sport to history, across a couple of hours of intense but mostly-jovial quizzing, Chelmsford Motor Club came out on top, shading the honours by two points from our very own King’s Lynn MC 2, with Cambridge Car Club another couple of points back in third. It turned out to be a very tight contest with just 8 points covering the top eight teams.

Full results: 1st Chelmsford MC 64 points; 2nd King’s Lynn MC2 62; 3rd Cambridge CC 60; 4th= Sporting CC of Norfolk 59; 4th= West Suffolk MC2 59; 6th King’s Lynn MC1 57; 7th= Green Belt MC 56; 7th= Eastern Counties MC2 56; 9th Eastern Counties MC1 52; 10th West Suffolk MC1 50.

The victorious team from Chelmsford Motor Club receive their prizes for winning the 2023 Inter-Club Quiz hosted by West Suffolk MC


KLDMC celebrated our 70th Anniversary on Saturday 25th February 2023.

We were privileged to have been invited and hosted by the Mayor of Kings Lynn, the very charitable Councillor Lesley Bambridge, to hold the event at the prestigious Kings Lynn Town Hall, a venue that has an incredibly diverse history of use ranging from Public House, Police HQ, Court and Gaol!

Club President Paul Haylock thanked everyone involved for making the evening possible and hoped to see the Club continue to flourish as it enters its eight decade. It will continue to be involved with a wide variety of activities from club nights; navigational, targa and stage rallies; autotests/gymkhanas and an increasing number of classsic car events.

Joining us as guest speaker was Phil Mills, 2003 WRC World Champion with Petter Solberg, and present owner of world class rally car preparation and build business, Viking Motorsport. Phil braved questions on the night from 100 or so members and guests who attended, recalling a career which saw him compete in international rallies over 17 seasons, multiple seasons of national championship stage and road events and a total of 155 road rallies.

Exceptional food was provided by the award winning Shefs and it was great to be able to chat and reminisce with firends old and new on the past 70 years of Kings Lynn and District Motor Club’s rich history.

Thank you to everyone who attened for your support and special thanks to all who were involved in the organising team under the leadership of Paul, Ed & Helen Haylock, Steve Tilburn and Duncan Russell.

Photos to follow.


Thanks to all who joined us on 18 January for our clubnight ‘start the year’ quiz.

Organised by Duncan & Marian Russell and Adrian & Caroline Cunnington, teams were asked to answer 7 rounds of questions ranging from motorsport, music, KLDMC, general knowledge and some tricky car identification teasers.

We had our fair share of Norfolk-based questions featuring subjects such as Jack Sears, Martin Brundle, Robbie Williams and the Broadland Northway (Google it!)

We had over 20 participants in total which was great to see with the team of Mark, David, Will and Kirsten in the immodest, but aptly-titled, ‘Eventual Winners’ Team just shading it from team Haylock’s ‘A team’


  1.  Eventual Winners  54
  2.  A Team 53
  3.  The Chippies 40.5
  4.  Big Balls Motorsport 35.5
  5.  KAYOS  34.5

Thanks also to the ladies at Runcton Holme Social Club for their support providing bar facilities for the evening.

First Aid / CPR Training Session

On Monday 17th October there will be a free emergency first aid / CPR training session provided by Pete from NARS 19.00 for a 19.15 start at Runcton Holme Social Club, School Road, Runcton Holme, PE33 0AQ. Map143/622089

This is open to all KLDMC members but we would like some idea of numbers in advance so please send an email to to confirm your attendance.

The session should last 30 to 45 minutes and will be followed by the presentation of a cheque for £1,000 to NARS – this being the proceeds from the 44th KLDMC Classis Rally.

A certificate of attendance will be given at the end of the course.

Summer Treasure Hunt & Barbecue

When: Sunday 7th August.
Where: Chapel Barn, Eastmoor 143 ,727024.
Organiser: Peter Horsburgh.

Summer get together with Treasure Hunt and BBQ at Steve’s place at Eastmoor.

There is a limit on the numbers for the Treasure Hunt, but not for the BBQ, you can do BBQ only or Treasure Hunt and BBQ your choice.

Summer Treasure Hunt Flyer
Summer Treasure Hunt Entry Form

If last year was anything to go by it’s a great social event, eat and drink as much as you like as long as someone in your party can drive home!

Book now, do it!.

Walking Rally

When: Wednesday 20th July.
Where: Grimston, Pott Row and Roydon.
Start: Hudson’s Fen Play Area PE32 1BP Map 132 701 227
Organiser: Paul & Janet Smalley.
Tel. 07831 811 865

To introduce a more social family event to our calendar that Wives, Partners and Children may want to take part in Paul & Janet Smalley have organised a short walking rally around the villages of Grimston, Pott Row and Roydon. This will take place on Wednesday 20th July with teams consisting of two adults and up to 2 children leaving the start at one minute intervals. Hopefully it is early enough for some older children to take part as it will start at 6.45pm.

It starts and finishes at Hudson’s Fen Play Area PE32 1BP Map 132 701227 where there is ample free parking. The trail is approx. 1.5 miles long and should take around one hour. To keep you busy there will be 60 questions to answer.

The route uses surfaced footpaths where possible but there are sections on quiet roads where there are no footpaths. It uses a stile to access an unsurfaced footpath and a loose surfaced “trod”. It also crosses roads that may be busy so please take care.

To make it slightly competitive and similar to a clubnight rally it will be timed to the minute and there will be a fail for each incorrect or missed answer. There will be a prize for the winning team.

Once everyone returns to Hudson’s Fen the intention is to then go to the three Horseshoes Pub in Roydon PE32 1AQ Map 132 706228 for a drink and the results – hopefully it will be a nice evening as they have plenty of tables outside.

Entry fee will be £2 per team and any profit will be donated to Hudson’s Fen Play area.

For further info or to register your entry please contact Paul Smalley either by email to or Tel 07831 811865.

Very late entries will be accepted so please don’t just turn up on the night as there may not be spare paperwork available.

Karting Evening

Back by popular demand (we hope) is another evening of karting at Anglia Karting, North Pickenham. It’s booked for the 18th May @ 7.00pm. It will follow the usual hours endurance format in 270cc karts consisting of teams of two. The cost is £40 per person and we need a minimum of 12 people so get your name down. If previous years are anything to go by it will be a competitive night.

To book your entry please contact: Richard Felton

For the latest information: Keep an eye on the club Facebook page here.