All posts by David Bell

March Clubnight Results

11th March: 12 Car

Organised by June & Ian Pollard

1st John Peterson / David Smalley 0 fails 4 mins
2nd Edward Haylock / Paul Haylock 0 fails 5 mins
3rd Paul Brunton / Jonathan Stimpson 0 fails 15 mins
4th Marc Sheffield / Shaun Hannon 1 fail 18 mins
5th Paul Smalley / Matthew Smalley 1 fail 18 mins

1st Neil Peterson / Will Brown 0 fails 13 mins

1st Mick Beauchamp / Mark Banham 1 fail 2 mins

1st Max Simpson / Daisey Hannon 0 fails 10 mins

February Clubnight Results

12th February: 12 Car

Organised by Mick Beauchamp & Len Fletcher

1st John Peterson / David Smalley 0 fails 0 mins
2nd Paul Smalley / Matthew Smalley 0 fails 1 min
3rd Rob Kitchen / Jonathan Stimpson 0 fails 3 mins
4th Edward Haylock / Paul Haylock 0 fails 4 mins
5th Paul Brunton / David Mann 0 fails 11 mins
6th June Pollard / Ian Pollard 1 fail 8 mins

RET Marc Sheffield / Shaun Hannon

1st Neil Peterson / Will Brown 0 fails 1 min
2nd Ben Cutting / Gary Zoller 1 fail 12 mins

1st Rob Palmer / Ben Jones 0 fails 2 mins

1st Neil Kerry / Michael Toher 3 fails 0 mins

Detailed results: Feb-Clubnight-Results-Grid-2020

January clubnight results

15th January: 12 Car

Organised by Paul and Mathew Smalley

1st Ed Haylock / Paul Haylock 5 fails 18 mins
2nd Marc Sheffield / Shaun Hannon 6 fails 31 mins
3rd Rob Kitchen / Jonathan Stimpson 7 fails 30 mins
RET Mark Peterson / David Smalley

1st Jonathan Simper / Gary Zoller 2 fails 29 mins
2nd June Pollard / Dave Pollard 21 fails 37 mins

1st Mick Beauchamp / Mark Banham 2 fails 9 mins
2nd Rob Palmer / Ben Jones 5 fails 14 mins

1st Daisy Hannon / Max Simpson 1 fail 12 mins
2nd Megan Way / Nick Way 8 fails 29 mins

Detailed results: Stag Night Results Grid 2020

RS Clubman Licence

All competitors (and some passengers) need to hold a new RS Clubman licence as a minimum from 2020, in order to compete in a Motorsport UK permitted event.

This licence is free of charge and also entitles you to Motorsport UK’s comprehensive member benefits package.

The application form is now available here.

RS Clubman Licence

From January 2020, Motorsport UK will be introducing a requirement for ALL COMPETITORS in Motorsport UK permitted events to hold a Motorsport UK competition licence this is in addition to your club membership. This will be at a minimum, a new RS Clubman licence. This applies to new competitors as well as to anyone previously competing solely with a club membership card. The good news is that this entry-level, RS Clubman licence, will now be free.

This initiative is being introduced by Motorsport UK to encourage participation at grass roots level as well as to ensure that all competitors are covered by comprehensive public liability and personal accident insurance. It replaces the Non-Race Clubman licence, (which in 2019 cost £29). All licence holders will have access to the Member Benefits Programme which provides substantial discounts on well-known brands, products, services, and can contribute to offsetting the cost of competing.

If you have not previously held a Competition licence or not renewed in 2019, it will also be a requirement to apply for a new RS Clubman licence in order to compete or be a passenger in Club events. This is free of charge and applicable to Autotests, Trials, Cross Country and Road Rallying including 12 Cars and Scatters.

Please note: an RS Clubman licence will not required if you plan to renew your current 2019 Competition licence.

You can apply for an RS Clubman licence from the Motorsport UK website from 18 November 2019.

The other major change is that the cost of event permits has been increased to cover the increased cost of insurance for events and provide additional income for our governing body. An across the board increase of £5.00 has been applied to permits, the Club will have no option but to add the sum to all event entry fees from January 2020.

November Clubnight Results

6th November: 12 Car

Firstly, I would like to thank our marshals for their hard work Wednesday , we were low on numbers and quite a way out ! But a great job was done thank you
A big thank you to Adrian for checking the nav , especially with the problems with emails and going on holiday !
And thank you to the competitors there were a couple of errors and I must apologise for that , I have answered questions and queries and have checked over it all again , this has changed the provisional results announced on Wednesday . These results will remain provisional until Wednesday evening if there are any further questions /queries plz contact me the results become final 7pm Wednesday .
1st John Peterson / David Smalley 1 fail 11 mins
2nd Dave pollard / Ian pollard 1 fail 21 mins
3rd Paul Smalley / Mathew Smalley 1 fail 22 mins
4th Ed Haylock / Paul Haylock 2 fails 18 mins
5th Rob Kitchen / Jonathan Stimpson 3 fails 29 mins
1st Mick Beauchamp / Mark Banham 0 fails 6 mins
2nd Mark Peterson / Alan Coombs 0 fails 24 mins
3rd Jon Simper / Gary Collet 2 fails 13 mins
4th Rob Palmer / Ben Jones 4 fails 28 mins
1st Neil Kerry / James Morgan 1 fail 1 min
2nd Ben Cutting / Jason Maskell 1 fail 18 mins
Thank you all again
Marc and Shaun