All posts by David Bell

2021 Membership

2021 membership renewals are now due and on reflection of what a poor year for motorsport 2020 was due to COVID 19 and the knock on effect this had to running events in our club, the committee have agreed to amend the renewal fee for 2021.  The renewal for any member who was a fully paid member in 2020 will be £7.50 for this year.  For this to be applicable, you need to have been a fully paid member in 2020 and supply a fresh membership form to ensure that your details are up to date.  The same rule will apply to family memberships so this will be £10 for those who joined as a family membership in 2020 and are doing the same for 2021.  Any new applications for 2021 will remain at the £15 subscription fee for single membership and £20 for any new family memberships.   

The membership form is currently being updated to reflect this and once updated it will be sent around to all members as well as being attached to Facebook and the website.

(The membership form has been updated and can be downloaded here)

RS Clubman Licence

All competitors (and some passengers) need to hold a 2021 RS Clubman licence as a minimum in order to compete in a Motorsport UK permitted event in 2021.

This licence is free of charge and also entitles you to Motorsport UK’s comprehensive member benefits package.

Renewal / application can be made here.

Harold Palin Memorial Stages

04-Oct-20 Harold Palin Memorial Stages

On Sunday, Will Brown myself and Paul Smalley made our way to the Harold Palin memorial stages at Fulbeck airfield.
We were seeded at Car 50 out of 60, which I thought was a little lower than It could have been. But as my last event was Snetterton n Feb 2019 and I had never been to fulbeck before it would have been difficult to seed us.
We managed to get set up next to the other KLDMC Crew of David Large and David Ottoway which made the day more sociable even at 2m distance.
Onto the event.
Started off with reasonable pace considering but late on in the stage very rough and muddy.
Stage 3 got cancelled before we went in, the class leader had hit something hard and made a mess of his Mg Zr. we were given a notional time that cost us around 20 seconds. It did bother me, but I decided instead of moaning, just get on with and see what the day brings.
Stage 5 We had a push, but managed to nudge a bale, but was only a couple of seconds off the class leader in a ex Works Micra.
Stage 6 we were comfortable over
4th in class and not going to catch 2nd in class. So I eased off slightly to ensure a finish.
We ended up 24th o/a and 3rd in class.
A big thank you to Paul Smalley for servicing for us and providing us cups of coffee at service. Will Brown for being spot on all day and keeping me in check.
Hopefully we can get out again before the end of the year.

David Large and myself competed at the Fulbeck Stages today after an off on stage 1 into the trees but with the help of the marshals they got us out and we got to the end of the stage with a maximum, starting stage 2 last we finished the day 42nd and 10th in class.

Flying Fortress Stages

13-Sep-20 Rex Pet Hotel Flying Fortress Stages

Today myself and David Large had our first rally since February bit of a long lay off but was great to be back out there. We started the day steady to knock off the cobwebs!!! but progressed through the day finishing 36th and 13th in class. The new timing system for stage rallying worked really well and we soon got used to it.
Thanks goes to our sponsors and Andy & Mike Sharp for servicing today.


Due to the latest government announcement the AGM due to be held on Wednesday 18th March 2020 is now postponed until further notice. The April 12 car due to be held on Wednesday 8th April 2020 will also no longer go ahead.