Chris More Memorial Rally Results

Results for the Chris More Memorial Rally canĀ  be found below.

Chris More Memorial results

Tab one is the overall, Then I have a breakdown on the following pages for the two individual time cards. I have given the best grid reference I can for the code boards that were missed. Any questions then email me on

Thank you to all the Marshalls that showed a fantastic commitment to carry out duties at multiple locations in some rather terrible conditions.

Well done to Bob Baker and Brian Cammack on the overall win only dropping 1 minute all night.

Well done to Rob Kitchen and Jonathan Stimpson who came equal second but were classified to third place on the furthest cleanest rule but were still first Novice Crew.

On the night I counted it with positions and the lowest number won but I saw that previous events had been counted as 1st place 12 points so reverted back to this way of counting.

Special thank you to the following

Steve Tilburn of Hylton Gott for the start Venue

Toby Fleming of Eastgate Farms for the use of the white road.

Paul Brunton of SCCON for assistance in getting the white road.

Marc and Sharron Sheffield of Shefs for the fantastic catering at the finish

Mark Banham for being Chief Marshall

Tim Banham and Shaun Hannon for route checking.

Ed Prevett, Nick Way and Megan Way for Closing Car

Marc Sheffield and Shaun Hannon for running Course Car

Hockwold Hall for supplying us with a finish venue.