Congratulations to Alan Shrimpton and David Bell for an excellent win round the North Norfolk lanes with a few whites thrown in to make life more interesting.

Some thought one of the whites was a bit rough but it was cautioned and this being Derek and my first event for the club done at short notice there were bound to be a few teething problems ,but generally I hope it was enjoyed.

Starting at the Railway Inn , Docking the 50 mile route went via Fring, Shernborne, Anmer, Houghton, West Rudham, Helhoughton, Broomsthorpe, Doughton, Dunton, West Barsham, North Barsham, Burnham Thorpe, North Creake, Stanhoe to the finish back in Docking. Thanks to Mathew at The Railway Inn for providing an excellent  hot supper for all the competitors and marshals , just what was needed after a cold December night. Thanks to Steve Tilburn from Hylton Gott for subsidising the meal and for bringing 2 crews out to Marshal.

Thanks to all the marshals who were all in place thanks to guidance from Dave Pollard. Dave Sooley and Jasmin Congreve also did closing car duties.

Results :  Alan Shrimpton /David Bell                   1st overall (Winning the coveted Xmas Stockings !)

                 Paul Smalley / David smalley                 2nd Overall

                 June Pollard / Ian Pollard                       3rd Overall

                 Mark Banham / Paul Haylock               4th Overall

                 John Peterson / Ian Graham                 1st Semi Expert

                Andy Congreve / Laura Congreve        1st Beginner     

                Rob Kitchen / Josh Ramm                       2nd Beginner  (Josh’s first rally !)

               Trevor Donovan / Amanda Brewster   3rd Beginner 

Marshals :       Signing On:                                      Fern Horsburgh / Christina Maton

                     Course Opening                                  Peter Horsburgh / Derek Webb      

                     TC1(Burnstalk)  Close to TC2          Spencer Horsburgh / Victoria McGuire    

                     TC2(Shernborne)/ Closing car        Dave Sooley / Jasmine Congreve  ( £5 for closing car)         

                     TC3 (Houghton)                                 Dave Pollard / Paul Pollard                       

                     TC4(West Raynham)                        Steve Tilburn / Dave Bowman                              

                     PC1 (Lay by on A148)                      Nicholas Way                                                         

                     TC5 (Sculthorpe)                              Jack Tilburn / Jody Wilson                                                    

                     TC6 (Waterden)                               Alex Scoles / Catherine   (£15 marshal’s draw)                                         

                     TC7 (Stanhoe)  / results                 Peter Horsburgh / Derek Webb 

Thanks to you all for braving the cold and doing an excellent job. We look forward to some new members whose interest has been sparked by marshalling for the first time.                              

Clerks of the Course : Peter Horsburgh  /Derek Webb            Chief Marshal : Dave Pollard

Table of penalties : (note we used 10 mins for a missed code board)

 Click here for results table – Final Results Docking Xmas Stocking 12.12.2012 (2)(1)