KLDMC Targa Rally 9th October Cancelled
With regret we have to advise all those who have entered and those planning to enter, that our round of the championship is cancelled due to the MOD having a higher priority military user requirement on that date.
They have offered other dates in November but these clash with other fixtures already planned.
The club apologises for this late withdrawal which is beyond our control and will be forwarding a refund to those who have already paid.
Peter Horsburgh, Secretary of the Meeting
Norfolk Classic and Sports Cars will sponsor the event. They specialise in preparing classic cars to the highest standards, whether it is for the road or in preparation for the tough conditions found on long distance rallies. Their website can be found here http://www.norfolkclassiccars.co.uk/
We are electing to run this event as closed-to-club – which avoids the need for an MSA competition licence, but means all competitors must produce a club card of an Anglia Motor Sport Club member club at signing on.
You can apply for membership to Kings Lynn DMC via http://kingslynndmc.co.uk/index.php/about/ if needed. £5 membership fee will Cover competitors for the remainder of 2016, The Full £15 Membership will cover the remainder of 2016 and Full 2017,
Anglia Motor Sport Club member clubs are: Cambridge Car Club, Chelmsford Motor Club, Eastern Counties Motor Club, Falcon Motor Club, King’s Lynn and District Motor Club, Sporting Car Club of Norfolk, West Suffolk Motorsport Club and Wickford Auto Club. http://www.amsc.org.uk/
The event will be qualifying round of the Anglia Motor Sport Club 2016 Targa Challenge
eco living and heating is continuing to sponsor the AMSC Targa Challenge in 2016.
The Targa Rally will be open to cars complying with Road Rally or Historic Road Rally rules. See SR 7 for more details.
Cars must comply with R18, so engines can have a maximum of 4 cylinders.
MSA rule R18.2.5 only allows forced-induction for petrol and diesel engines under 1500cc.
Rule R18.6.6 for daylight road rallies allows cars to be more than one colour, and to carry up to 1250 sq cm of advertising (the area of 2 sheets of A4 paper) ONLY. Large logos will need to be removed or completely covered up.
Towing eyes must be fitted and ready for use in case you break down.
There is an award for best historic if there are 5 or more entries with pre-1986 cars.
Full 2015 Results – Here